Posted by Tori Hust, Communications Liaison
April 25, 2023


Notre Dame, IN

Dear NDLS,

This note marks the end of my time serving as your SBA President. The opportunity to represent this remarkable community has been an immense honor and one that I will forever feel lucky to have had. Thank you all for trusting me and working with me this past year. A year ago, SBA set out hoping to continue traditions (that we saw disappear during the pandemic) while also forging our own path. We saw the glorious return of Fall Ball, Spirit Week, Fr. Mike, Bowling League, and Barristers. We saw the creation of new events such as the SBA DEI Town Halls, Interfaith Dinner, and schoolwide Holi celebration. As this eventful school year comes to an end, I would like to say my word of farewell as your SBA President.

To the Class of 2023, we have reached the finish line of the most unprecedented race. No cold call, pandemic, or Above the Law article could stop us from getting to where we are today. Over the last three years, we have learned priceless life lessons and have grown as strong, resilient lawyers. Hopefully, those challenges have brought us closer together and shown that we are a class that can and will lean on each other. I look forward to the amazing impact that we all will make on our communities as we enter the legal field.

To the graduating LLMs and JSD, I commend you on the impact that you have made on NDLS during your time here. I recognize that many of you have the added challenge of learning the law in a completely different language, and yet you still make the time to contribute to our NDLS community.

To those returning in the fall, it gets better, I promise! To the Class of 2025, you have made it through what is arguably the toughest time of law school. I ask that you treasure your time here at NDLS. Appreciate the beautiful autumns, visit the staff at the CDO, and run for that leadership position. To the Class of 2024, you are now the forerunners that everyone will be looking up to in the law school. Enjoy your last year at NDLS and check off those items on your bucket list. I wish the best to the incoming SBA leadership and have full confidence that they will build upon this past year and lead the law students with excellence.

To the faculty and staff, thank you. There are not enough words to capture how invaluable you all have been to our personal and professional development. I know I speak for all when I say that it has been an honor and privilege to know you as more than just professors, but to hold you all as friends, mentors, and colleagues.

On behalf of the entire SBA–Vice President Mary Mancusi, Treasurer Joshua Mannery, and Secretary Liz Forzley, thank you. It has been our honor and privilege to serve you. Although I am sad that I must soon depart from this special place, I also cannot wait to see the wonderful things in store for NDLS as our community transitions into a brighter and more promising chapter.

In Notre Dame,

Dillon B. Yang

President, Student Bar Association 2022-2023