Notre Dame, IN

A warm welcome to all of NDLS from the Student Bar Association. For all of my fellow 3Ls and the 2Ls, welcome back to our legal home under the Dome. And to our incoming 1Ls, we are all excited to have you start your legal journey here at Notre Dame. My name is Luke Franz, and for those whom I haven’t had the pleasure to meet yet, I will be serving as the President of the SBA this year.

Everyone is a member of the SBA. While we do have an Executive Board and Cabinet of student leaders working to help plan and organize, we are looking forward to each law student being an active member in the SBA. There will be one large lunch meeting each month (Tuesdays) in which we expect all law student to attend and learn about what is going on in the school that month! Look for more information about this on our brand new SBA website (special shout out to David Spicer for his great work on this over the summer) or one of the first MMUs (Monday Morning Update email, for all you incoming 1Ls)!

I am confident this year is going to be one of the best for NDLS yet. We have an amazing group of student leaders ready and eager to create a fun and community-focused atmosphere. We are all first and foremost here to receive our JDs, but here at NDLS, we have a little fun along the way. From interesting and thought-provoking lunch speakers to our social outings on Thursdays and Fall Ball to intramural sports (and of course, the Fighting Irish football games), we hope to enhance each law student’s three years spent in South Bend. Additionally, our merchandise committee will ensure everyone is sporting the newest NDLS apparel.

Aside from enhancing student life with activities, we are also aiming to emphasize student wellness. In fact, we have a new SBA Committee focused on just that! We are looking forward to putting students’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing front and center this year.

As we all being to start our classes and settle in, I wanted to point out a few important people that you might be interested in talking to in these first couple of weeks:

  1. For all things budget-related, our Treasurer: Mike Desmond (
  2. For all things fun, our Social Chair: Kristine Baker (
  3. For all things about student wellness and ideas about how the SBA can enhance this, our Wellness Chair: Ryan Sinclair (​

For anything else, you can always reach out to our Vice President, Dayle Comerford (, or myself ( ​

Cheers to a wonderful year,

Luke Franz